Response to Gossip (part 2)
Gossip, I am sure much can be said about the subject. Gossip goes unrecognized and it has its roots in the original gossip, satan himself. When you share information ask yourself why you are doing it. From 1967 to the mid 90's Bernard Meltzer was a host for the radio show "What's Your Problem?" I like his advice, “Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.” I think we should take a look at some realities about gossip and it's source, the accuser of the brethren. Wayne Galloway wrote in an article, The word “devil” occurs 34 times in the N.T. 1. It translates the word “diabolos.” 2. Meaning “the slanderer.” IV. C. He lies. He deceives. He accuses. He murders. He destroys. This is who he is. ( Source Article by Wayne Galloway ) Gossip is slander. It is a destructive and insidious force that tears down ...