
Showing posts from January, 2024

Response to Gossip (part 2)

  Gossip, I am sure much can be said about the subject.  Gossip goes unrecognized and it has its roots in the original gossip, satan himself. When you share information ask yourself why you are doing it. From 1967 to the mid 90's Bernard Meltzer was a host for the radio show "What's  Your Problem?" I like his advice, “Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.” I think we should take a look at some realities about gossip and it's source, the accuser of the brethren. Wayne Galloway wrote in an article,  The word “devil” occurs 34 times in the N.T.  1.  It translates the word “diabolos.”  2.  Meaning “the slanderer.” IV. C. He lies. He deceives. He accuses. He murders. He destroys. This is who he is. ( Source Article by Wayne Galloway ) Gossip is slander. It is a destructive and insidious force that tears down ...

Response to Gossip (Part 1)

The very word gossip could be the reason some would choose to read this article. The notion that your conscience is clear depends on your motive for reading. John MacArthur says, Conscience. The soul’s warning system, which allows human beings to contemplate their motives and actions and make moral evaluations of what is right and wrong (see note on Ro 2:14, 15). In order to work as God designed it, the conscience must be informed to the highest moral and spiritual level and best standard, which means submitting it to the Holy Spirit through God’s Word. Gossip causes division, an ignorant trait that God detests. Sin divided humanity from God. We can be certain that when God surveys all He created, gossip is high on the list of things He will discipline. The apostle Paul said to the Christians at Corinth, For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you to be not what you wish; that perhaps there will be strife, jealousy, angry temper...


 When people cross your path, Who do they see? John the Baptist quoted the prophet Isaiah; Luke 3:5-6 (NASB) ‘EVERY RAVINE WILL BE FILLED, AND EVERY MOUNTAIN AND HILL WILL BE BROUGHT LOW; THE CROOKED WILL BECOME STRAIGHT, AND THE ROUGH ROADS SMOOTH; AND ALL FLESH WILL SEE THE SALVATION OF GOD.’” When people come across your path, it should not be hard for them to get to Jesus. You should be a straight path to Him. I was visiting a Christian school recently and pulled into the parking lot not far from the carpool line. One of the teachers angrily asked me to go another direction. Little did she know that I was parking near where I entered the parking lot. She looked frustrated. I ran my errand, got back in the car, and headed across the parking lot toward the office. I wasn't near any carpool lines but the teacher stomped toward my car and exasperatedly stopped me. She said, "We have two carpool lines going. Could you just exit where you entered?" I said, "I'm hea...

Finding Your Way Through

  When we are young, the world seems so exciting and full of promise and we can’t wait to make our way in it, but once we step out into the world as young adults, it often becomes quite daunting, and even overwhelming to decide what the best way is to go. Major life decisions loom large, and we can begin to feel a sense of panic and confusion over which way to turn, especially when our current choices seem unproductive, stagnant or more difficult than we had anticipated.  College, career, marriage, travel, children...So many opportunities, but what is best to pursue?  Many jump from decision to decision without any thought about what is best, settling for what seems good in the moment.  Others are so paralyzed with confusion and fear that they stay stuck wherever they are, longing for something different & better, but unsure of what that is or how to get there. A friend recently said to me,  “finding direction in this world is so hard” and she is absolutely ...

Servant Leadership

But whoever would be great among you must be your servant…even as the Son of Man (Jesus) came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25-28 Jesus explained to His followers that their practice of leadership was to be distinctly different than the  self-seeking, self-serving, and domineering style of leadership often found in the world: "Whoever would be first among you must be servant of all" (Mk 10:42-44; Mt 20: 25-28). So many seek power, authority and recognition in society today, just as sinful humanity has done since the beginning of time. Leadership, whether in homes, companies, and even in some churches often focuses not on loving, caring for and serving    others, but instead is more focused on self gratification, elevation of self and domineering others. This is not the model Jesus displayed nor is it what He expects from us.    It is the road to decay and destruction in marriages, families, churches and com...